Sunday, August 3, 2008

The day of the big change to our Yard.

Well Judgment Day finally came they came and ripped out the back half of my property so now I have 20 feet and a drop-off behind my house. It seems that they are going to put in three houses just behind my house and one to the side. I knew it was going to happen someday but on Friday the big truck showed up and with the excavators and they started to dig things out.

We had three excavators and six; yes six trucks hauling dirt off so that they could make a level ground to put houses on. Now is sad, that I have to come to tell you that. I have but a small yard behind my house. I’m starting to look like all those other houses in Seattle. But the good thing is I have a large side yard and I will still have my garden, and my orchard, and a little ditch running in front of the house. The side yard on the other side I have about 20 feet and then a 4 foot drop in a 4 foot drop and then a drainage pond. And we had that for some time now it’s just one of the prices you have to pay when you give up a big chunky or property. I was just getting too old and too tired to keep planting all those tomato plants and other things that we used to keep growing on back. I got tired of feet in the coyotes. The coyotes ate my goats, chickens, sheep and my rabbits. The raccoons did like my rabbits. I don’t think they got into the chickens at lease I never caught them.Well that not true they did get into the special ones that laid blue eggs that were in a cage. PS raccoons are mean!!
They are going to level the side yard so we will have a flat yard when done instead of just kind of a lumpy one we have now. They’re going to push the dirt back; put some trash dirt in and then put the good dirt back. And that should happen this Monday which I think is August 4. I will show you pictures when they get done hopefully it will look good.